Coldewey Consulting

Toni-Schmid-Str. 10b
D-81825 Munich
Tel: +49-700-COLDEWEY
Fax: +49-89-74995703
Member of the Association of German Management Consultants (BDU)
Senior Consultant of the Agile Management Practice of the Cutter Consortium
GermanKlicken Sie hier für die deutschen Seiten
My Portrait

I'm an independent consultant specialized in consulting and coaching of agile development and object-oriented projects in the business domain. On this site you find English information on the following topics: There is a "What's New" page for regular visitors of this site including RSS-Feed.

My Blog

I maintain a blog about agile development, management and some politics in German. If you speak some German, feel free to visit I will  continue to contribute to the Cutter Blog in English.

We Vouch For

Find my agile certifications on We Vouch For at
In addition I'm one of the few "Certified Crystal Practitioneers" and have the inevitable "Certified Scrum Master"

Author: Jens Coldewey
This site is member of the partnership program
Last Change: March, 17th. 2009